For many investors, IFSA offers just the kind of investment solution to meet their needs. However, it can be difficult to know where you fit in, without someone giving you a clear idea of the process and expected outcome. So, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide that outlines how to go about investing in IFSA’s private equity (PE) funds.

Once you’ve decided you’re interested in further exploring IFSA’s investment options, then it’s time to reach out. If you haven’t made up your mind just yet, check out our FAQ page to see how private equity can deliver results beyond traditional returns.

For more information on the latest performance metrics, download our fund fact sheet.

I’m interested – what’s next?

So, you’d like to find out more about investing with IFSA but don’t know what the process entails? Read on for step-by-step guidance in terms of onboarding, what you can expect, and how to make sure you get the most out of your investment.

Step 1: Reach out to us

The first step is to reach out to IFSA or a registered Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) via online enquiry. Following the enquiry, we will be in touch.

Step 2: IFSA sends vetting questionnaire

To ensure that you find the right long-term investment partner, we have carefully put together a set of questions. The questions help determine an asset allocation based on the information provided. This typically includes details about your investment objectives, time horizon, financial position, and risk tolerance.

Once you return the paperwork to us, we will review the vetting questionnaire and work with you to set up an appointment to talk through the questions and discuss the next steps.

Step 3: Meeting the team

Meeting face to face is an essential part of relationship building and gives us the opportunity to exchange questions, concerns, ideas, and discuss your investment vision and goals. In addition to getting to know you and your investment requirements a bit better, we will also unpack our investment model and introduce you to our private equity funds.

Here are the main members of the IFSA team:

Frikkie: The Rainmaker

Frikkie van Loggerenberg is the founder and CEO of IFSA. He is highly skilled at portfolio diversification, guiding growth hands-on with overarching insight backed by many years of experience.

Gerdouw: The Beancounter

From financial and tax due diligence to financial modelling and acquisition valuations – Gerdouw is our resident investment optimisation expert.

Roderick: The Head Honcho

Building a world-class investment portfolio shouldn’t involve guesswork. Roderick’s job is to do the know-work, removing ambiguity from the investment process.

Step 4: IFSA meets and proposes a solution

No two investors are ever the same. The same can be said of your investment goals, risk profile, and investment horizon.

Once you have sat down with the IFSA team, we will return to our offices and put together a custom proposal for you. Once the details of your investment have been reviewed, you will receive an offer to

sign for the investment you would like to make.